Tuesday 7 February 2017

Mind map- Planning

Campaigning Photography
For this topic I would likely be creating a series of images associated with add campaigns such as the UN Women 2013 campaign "Auto-Complete" or the Blue Cross "I Will Survive" series.  Topics which I am most interested in would be sexuality, gender equality, mental health and age as these are issues which effect those around me and I feel that this will give me a good level of insight into these issues.  I feel that issues such as immigration and the environment would be difficult for me to focus on and achieve to high standard as a result of the resources which I have available to me.

Connected Images

If I were to explore this topic I would be most interested in looking at various ways to compile images such as scrapbooking methods and grid compilations.  I would like to look into the use of colour to create a cohesive image as well as the way that photos can be joined to create different effects in the styles of both David Hockney and Hannah Hoch.   I feel that out of the artists listed as points of influence I am most interested in the works of Patrick Winfield due to his method of grid composition.

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